Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Windows Store Apps with F# (part 4) : Collections

In the previous post we were introduced to data binding and MVVM. We dealt with one object. How can we deal with more than one object, a collection of objects?
This time we want to show a sequence of primes:
  1. 2
  2. 3
  3. 5
  4. 7
  5. 11
The first number is the sequence number, the second is the value of the prime. We want to show this sequence in a Windows Store App. We create again a new blank Windows Store App and add a F# Portable Library. We rename the F# file to Lib.fs. Let’s follow MVVM. We start with the Model. Add the IsPrime function to Lib.fs:
module MathLib
let IsPrime n =
     if n < 2L then
            seq{2L..n - 1L}
            |> Seq.exists(fun x -> n % x = 0L)
            |> not

Next we create an object to represent an element in the sequence:
type Element(sequenceNumber:int, value:int64) =
    member x.SequenceNumber = sequenceNumber
    member x.Value          = value
Now it is possible to create a function that will determine the next element in the sequence of primes:  let rec nextPrime (element:Element) =
if IsPrime (element.Value + 1L) then
Element(element.SequenceNumber + 1,  element.Value + 1L)
Element(element.SequenceNumber,  element.Value + 1L) |> nextPrime

Next we create a sequence of all primes (details at page 320 of Real-World Functional Programming by Tomas Petricek and with Jon Skeet, buy this book!!):
let rec primeSequence =
    seq { yield Element(1,  2L)
          for e in primeSequence do yield e |> nextPrime }

and test the model by adding a test to the Script.fsx file.
#load "Lib.fs"
MathLib.primeSequence |> Seq.take 5 |> Seq.iter( fun r -> (printfn "%d. %d" r.SequenceNumber r.Value))

When we run the code in F# Interactive we get the expected result:


Compile the project and add a reference from the C# project to the F# project.

Next step: the Model. We contact the UI designer and he sends us the following XAML:
<GridView ItemsSource="{Binding}" >
                    <ColumnDefinition />
                    <ColumnDefinition />
                    <ColumnDefinition />

                <TextBlock Grid.Column="0"  Text="{Binding SequenceNumber}"/>
                <TextBlock Grid.Column="1"  Text="->"/>
                <TextBlock Grid.Column="2" Text="{Binding Value}"/>

We past it in the Grid of the MainPage. Gridview is one of the Windows Store App controls that can display collections.

Next we update the MainPage code behind:
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;

 public sealed partial class MainPage : Page
        private ObservableCollection<MathLib.Element> Collection;
        public MainPage()

            Collection = new ObservableCollection<MathLib.Element>()
                    new MathLib.Element(1, 2),
                    new MathLib.Element(2, 3),
                    new MathLib.Element(3, 5),
                    new MathLib.Element(4, 7),
                    new MathLib.Element(5, 11)

            this.DataContext = Collection;

We have created an ObservableCollection class called Collection and added some elements so we can see the result of the binding.



It works as expected but it does not look good.

So we contact our designer again. This is the code he sends us:
<Grid Background="{StaticResource ApplicationPageBackgroundThemeBrush}">
    <TextBlock Text="Primes" HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top" FontSize="42" Margin="80,40,0,0" />
    <GridView x:Name="ItemListView" ItemsSource="{Binding}" Margin="80, 100, 80, 80">
                <WrapGrid />
                <Grid Width="200" Height="60" Background="Green">
                        <ColumnDefinition Width="60"/>
                        <ColumnDefinition Width="20"/>
                        <ColumnDefinition Width="120"/>

                    <TextBlock Grid.Column="0"  Text="{Binding SequenceNumber}"  HorizontalAlignment="Left"
                        Margin="5,5,5,5" />
                    <TextBlock Grid.Column="2" Text="{Binding Value}"  HorizontalAlignment="Left"

and the result looks like this (replace the XAML and press F5):


We accept this design.

Remark: there are better ways to deal with design data in XAML: [WPF / MVVM] How to get data in “design time” ?

Now it is time to glue the Model and the View together, we will add the View Model code.

First we change the initialization of the Collection:
  Collection = new ObservableCollection<MathLib.Element>();

and add a new F# file to the F# project called ViewModel.

We add the following code:
module ViewModel
open System.Collections.ObjectModel
let addElements(collection:ObservableCollection<MathLib.Element>) =
    MathLib.primeSequence |> Seq.iter collection.Add

Build the solution and add the following code to event handler OnNavigatedTo of the MainPage:
protected override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e)

F5 and the application never shows the Main Page:


When we reduce the number of elements to 100
let addElements(collection:ObservableCollection<MathLib.Element>) =
    MathLib.primeSequence|> Seq.take 100 |> Seq.iter collection.Add

we get the expected result.


This solution will not work when we want to display a very large number of primes.

So we go the async/await way again.
protected async override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e)
    await ViewModel.addElementsTask(this.Collection);

and change the ViewModel
module ViewModel
open System.Collections.ObjectModelopen System.Threading.Tasks
let addElements(collection:ObservableCollection<MathLib.Element>) =
    MathLib.primeSequence|> Seq.iter collection.Add

let addElementsTask(collection:ObservableCollection<MathLib.Element>) =

Task.Factory.StartNew(fun _ -> addElements collection);

This time we get error messages:


The C# project needs a reference to the F# library. We will not go that way, we solve the issue by creating a Task of int and add a dummy return value.
module ViewModel
open System.Collections.ObjectModelopen System.Threading.Tasks
let addElements(collection:ObservableCollection<MathLib.Element>) = 
    MathLib.primeSequence |> Seq.iter collection.Add

let addElementsTask(collection:ObservableCollection<MathLib.Element>) =
     Task<int>.Factory.StartNew(fun _ ->

F5 again. This time we get an context exception.


So we add the context to the functions.
 protected async override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e)
            await ViewModel.addElementsTask(this.Collection, System.Threading.SynchronizationContext.Current);


module ViewModel
open System.Collections.ObjectModelopen System.Threadingopen System.Threading.Tasks
let addElements(collection:ObservableCollection<MathLib.Element>, context:SynchronizationContext) =
     MathLib.primeSequence |> Seq.iter(
fun x -> context.Post((fun _ -> collection.Add(x)) ,null))
let addElementsTask(collection:ObservableCollection<MathLib.Element>, context:SynchronizationContext) =
fun _ ->

and we get the desired result:


We end with two small remarks:

  1. In this post we used the ObservableCollection, this is a .NET solution. The WinRT way is to use IObservableVector<T>.

  2. We can replace addElementsTask by
let addElementsTaskMutable (collection:ObservableCollection<MathLib.Element>, synchronizationContext:SynchronizationContext) =
        fun _ -> 
        let mutable e = MathLib.Element(0,  1L)
        while true do
            e <- MathLib.nextPrime e
            let x = e  //make the result immutable
            synchronizationContext.Post((fun _ -> collection.Add(x)) ,null)
This seems to improve the performance of the application quit a lot.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Windows Store Apps with F# (part 3) : Data Binding and MVVM

In this series of posts we investigate the interoperability between WinRT and F#. In the previous post we solved some issues by adding input checking and async event handling. Our code still contained C# code. We can ride of some of the C# code by data binding.
Data binding connects XAML code directly with .NET objects. Let’s create a simple example.
Open the project we have created in part 1 and updated in part 2 and add a F# file called Process. We add the namespace MathLib and create an object Process.
namespace MathLib
type Process() =
let mutable _output = "output"

member x.Output
with get() = _output
and set(v) =
_output <- v

and rebuild the project so the Process object becomes available in the C# project.

To the C# code of the MainPage we add a process variable, create a new Process object. We add it to the DataContext of the MainPage:
Process process;
public MainPage()
process =
new Process();
this.DataContext = process;

and change the MainPage.xaml: Text="{Binding Output}"
<TextBlock Grid.Row="3" Grid.Column="1" Grid.ColumnSpan="3"  
Style="{StaticResource FSharp}"
Text="{Binding Output}"

F5 and this is the result.


The initial value of the Process object (“output”) is shown at the location of the result TextBlock.

Next we at an extra property to Process object.
namespace MathLib
type Process() =
let mutable _input = "input"
let mutable _output = "output"

member x.Input
with get() = _input
and set(v) =
_input <- v

member x.Output
with get() = _output
and set(v) =
_output <- v

And add a Execute method.
     member x.Execute() = 
x.Output <- _input |> MathLib.Wrapper.IsPrimeText

And change the XAML of the TextBox
<TextBox Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="3"                  
Text="{Binding Path=Input, Mode=TwoWay}"

We change the code of the event handler:
private void OnClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
result.Text = process.Output;

and test the result by entering “12” as input and click the button.


So by adding “Mode=TwoWay” the input value of the TextBox is transferred back to the Input property of the Process object.

Let’s change the event handler, let’s remove the last line:
private void OnClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)

and test again.


This time the result is not updated. We have to notify the XAML that things have changed.

We can tell the XAML that things have changed by implementing the INotifyPropertyChanged interface. This is a simple interface, it has one method: PropertyChanged.

We could write this code ourselves, or we could leverage what is already available (standing on the shoulders of giants). So let’s enter MVVM (Model View ViewModel).

There are several related architectural patterns MVP, MVC, MVVM. They all prescribe the way separation of concerns is implemented a rich user interface application.

So the main theme is separation of concerns. In the case of MVVM we have:

  • Model. This is all the code that does not care about the presentation. It contains all code that is unaware of users interacting with the system, so we could create several ways of presenting the model to the user: WPF, Windows Store App, internet website, etc., in all cases the model stays the same. So the model could contain:

    • all business logic

    • all persistence related logic

    In our example the model is managed by a mathematician. He is the domain expert and knows everything about primes.

  • View. This is the presentation layer. It describes the look and feel of the application. The aim is to create declarative code like XAML and reduce the code in the code behind as much as possible.
    In our example the view is managed by a UI designer. He has chosen  the red color and the font.

  • View Model. This is the bridge between the model and view. Imaging the model and view are already available. We know what it the App looks like and all business and persistence logic is created. All code required to make the application complete will be part of the View Model.

This is where we are right know in our example. To complete the application we have to create View Model code. We could write this code ourselves, or we could leverage what is already available.

There are several MVVM frame works available: MVVVM Frameworks.

Of course we go for the F# option: FSharpWpfMvvmTemplate by Dan Mohl. This template was not created with WinRT in mind, so we have to be careful.

Create a new base class in the F# project called “ViewModelBase.fs” and copy the code for the template project:
namespace FSharpWpfMvvmTemplate.ViewModel
open Systemopen System.Windowsopen System.Windows.Inputopen System.ComponentModel
type ViewModelBase() =
let propertyChangedEvent = new DelegateEvent<PropertyChangedEventHandler>()
interface INotifyPropertyChanged with
member x.PropertyChanged = propertyChangedEvent.Publish
member x.OnPropertyChanged propertyName =
propertyChangedEvent.Trigger([| x;
new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName) |])

And change the code of the Process class:
namespace MathLib
open FSharpWpfMvvmTemplate.ViewModel
type Process() =
inherit ViewModelBase()
let mutable _input = "input"
let mutable _output = "output"

member x.Input
with get() = _input
and set(v) =
_input <- v

member x.Output
with get() = _output
and set(v) =
_output <- v

member x.Execute() =
x.Output <- MathLib.Wrapper.IsPrimeText _input

we derive the Process class from the ViewModelBase class and raise the OnPropertyChanged event when the value of one of the properties is changed.


We have to move the Process file to it’s correct place in the project to let it compile:


The result:


So it works. We have now two issues to solve:

  1. The code we created can not deal with log running calculations. Just enter 756771235126757131 and the UI freezes.

  2. We still have an event handler, the button click. Is there a better way to deal with this so we can write the what happen after we click the button with F# code?

We solve the second issue first. Again MVVM comes to the rescue. We can bind a Command to the button. A Command is a class that implements the ICommand interface. We copy again from FSharpWpfMvvmTemplate. Create a new F# file and call it RelayCommand and copy the code:
//https://github.com/dmohl/FSharpWpfMvvmTemplatenamespace FSharpWpfMvvmTemplate.ViewModel
open Systemopen System.Windowsopen System.Windows.Inputopen System.ComponentModel
type RelayCommand (canExecute:(obj -> bool), action:(obj -> unit)) =
let event = new DelegateEvent<EventHandler>()
interface ICommand with
member x.CanExecuteChanged = event.Publish
member x.CanExecute arg = canExecute(arg)
member x.Execute arg = action(arg)

Replace the Execute method Process file by the ExecuteCommand:
     member x.ExcecuteCommand = 
new RelayCommand ((fun canExecute -> true),
fun action ->
x.Output <- x.Input |> Wrapper.IsPrimeText ))

Remove the event handler in the code behind and change the XAML of the button into:
<Button Grid.Row="2" Grid.Column="1" Grid.ColumnSpan="3" 
Content="Is it a prime?"
HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center"
Foreground="#FFE68484" FontFamily="Verdana" FontSize="32"
Command="{Binding ExcecuteCommand}"/>

We deleted the Click handler and add the binding of the Command.

F5 and the app works the way it worked, this time without the C# event handler and with F# Command.

To solve the first issue, dealing with long running calculations we change the code of the Command:
     member x.ExcecuteCommand = 
new RelayCommand ((fun canExecute -> true),
fun action ->
task = x.Input |> Wrapper.IsPrimeTask
x.Output <- task.Result))

in this case task wrapper to perform the code asynchronous.

So everything works fine again.


Let’s end with two remarks, the first is related with MVVM, the second with F# async.

From our solution it is not clear how we dealt with separation of concerns.

In our case we have a very small model, it contains just the IsPrime function. The View is the C# project and so the remaining F# code has to be the View Model: the wrappers, the Process class, the ViewModelBase and the RelayCommand are all part of the glue we needed to make the IsPrime function available for the user interface. In a real world project we have to make the structure explicate.

In stead of using a Task we could use the F# async workflow. So let’s replace the ExecuteCommand by
     member x.ExcecuteCommand = 
new RelayCommand ((fun canExecute -> true),
fun action ->
execute =
async {
x.Output <-Wrapper.IsPrimeText(x.Input)
execute |> Async.Start

F5 and enter a value un the TextBox. We get an exception:


The Dutch inner exception message tell us that we used the wrong thread to update the UI.

We can fix this changing the ViewModelBase. We capture the context at initialization and Post at the context.
type ViewModelBase() =
//capture the context of the UI
let context = System.Threading.SynchronizationContext.Current
let propertyChangedEvent = new DelegateEvent<PropertyChangedEventHandler>()
interface INotifyPropertyChanged with
member x.PropertyChanged = propertyChangedEvent.Publish
member x.OnPropertyChanged propertyName =
//Post at the right thread
context.Post(( fun _ -> propertyChangedEvent.Trigger([| x; new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName) |])), null)

After the fix everything works fine again.

The next post we discuss dealing with collections from a XAML F# perspective.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Windows Store Apps with F# (part 2) : async/await

In my last post we created an windows apps and discussed the F# and C#/XAML interoperability. We discovered two issue:
  1. Long running calculations made the UI frees.
  2. The improper handling of the input made the app crash.
The way we deal with issues is an architectural decision. One can choose to have a slim F# library. The only responsibility is to handle the business logic, nothing else. In our case this is a math library. There is nothing wrong with decision, the other concerns are handled at the C#/XAML site by C# developers and XAML designers. We could resolve the first issue by wrapping the calculation in a task and await it. We could solve the input issues by writing a handler that will handle TextBox TextChanged  event.
If this is your decision the post ends here.
Or we could decide to minimize the C# code and solve all issues at the F# site. That is the way we will continue.
We start by where we left last time.
We first fix the second issue.
We delete in the MainPage XAML the last two TextBlocks and add a new one:
<TextBlock Grid.Row="3" Grid.Column="1" Grid.ColumnSpan="3"  x:Name="result" Style="{StaticResource FSharp}" />

and add a text wrapper function to a new F# file called Wrapper.
module MathLib.Wrapper
open System
let IsPrimeText text =
let success, number = Int64.TryParse(text)
if success then
Prime.IsPrime number then
number.ToString() + " is a prime number"
number.ToString() + " is not a prime number"
text + " is not a valid number"

Now we can change the OnClick event handler in
private void OnClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
result.Text =

All the code to handle the text input and displaying the result are now in the wrapper. Text input does not crash the app.


In a real project we could put more logic to del with input in the wrapper functions.

Next we have to deal with long running calculations. The new C# way is to use async/await. so we add async to the OnClick handler. We get a warning.

The warning tells us that we need to await something, and this should be a Task.

So we create a second F# wrapper:
open System.Threading.Tasks
let IsPrimeTask text =
fun _ -> IsPrimeText text)

And call this function with await:
private async void OnClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
result.Text =
result.Text =
await Wrapper.IsPrimeTask(inputValue.Text);

When we start the application and check 756771235126757131.


The task is started and we can still update the UI. So the issues are solved.

Remark: This works because it is .NET interoperability. One should use the WinRT the  interface  IAsyncOperation<string>.
private async void OnClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
result.Text =
IAsyncOperation<string> operation = Wrapper.IsPrimeTask(inputValue.Text).AsAsyncOperation<string>();

result.Text =
await operation;

This interface does not seem to be available in the F# library. Fortunately we can not reference a F# Portable Library in a JavaScript App:


So this is not an issue at the moment.

Next time we will look for ways to get ride op the event handling code by looking at data binding and MVVM.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Windows Store Apps with F# (part 1) : Make things as simple as possible, but not simpler.

During the initial phase of the Windows 8 beta period it was not possible to integrate F# code in a Windows 8 store app. After the final release of Visual Studio 2012 it is possible to create hybrid projects. In this series of posts I want to show you some of the projects I use to experiment with F# and Windows App Store integration.
I will focus on the interoperability and assume that you are able to find resources to learn the details of XAML, Windows 8 store apps and F#.

In the first example we create a simple solution and just add some F# code.
The F# code will determine if a number is a prime number. The App UI should have a text box to enter a value, a button to start the check and a text block to display the result.
We start by creating a blank windows store app:
Open the created main page
and start designing the layout of the page.
Style x:Key="FSharp" TargetType="TextBlock" BasedOn="{StaticResource BasicTextStyle}">
Setter Property="FontFamily" Value="Verdana"/>
Setter Property="FontSize" Value="32"/>

Next we change the color of the grid and add some columns and rows:
 <Grid Background="#FF8F0A0A">
ColumnDefinition Width="10*"/>
ColumnDefinition Width="200"/>
ColumnDefinition Width="100"/>
ColumnDefinition Width="300"/>
ColumnDefinition Width="20*"/>
RowDefinition Height="10*"/>
RowDefinition Height="50"/>
RowDefinition Height="100"/>
RowDefinition Height="50"/>
RowDefinition Height="20*"/>

And finally add the controls to the grid:

  <TextBlock Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="1"
Text="Input value:"
Style="{StaticResource FSharp}"/>

TextBox Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="3"
FontFamily="Verdana" FontSize="32" />

Button Grid.Row="2" Grid.Column="1"
Content="Is it a prime?" x:Name="calculate"
HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center"
FontFamily="Verdana" FontSize="32"/>

TextBlock Grid.Row="3" Grid.Column="1"
Style="{StaticResource FSharp}"/>

TextBlock Grid.Row="3" Grid.Column="3"
Style="{StaticResource FSharp}" />

This is page in de designer:


Now is time to add the F# code. We add an F# Portable Library call “MathLib” to the solution.


Rename PortableLibrary1 to Lib and delete the Script file.


And add the F# code to the Lib file:
module MathLib.Prime
let IsPrime n =
if n < 2L then
{ 2L .. n - 1L}
|> Seq.exists(
fun x -> n % x = 0L)
|> not

This is not the most sophisticated prime check but it will do for our projects.

We have created a module we can use MathLib is the namespace, Prime is a static class and IsPrime is a static function.

The code i in line with the definition of a prime number: A prime number (or a prime) is a natural number greater than 1 that has no positive divisors other than 1 and itself.

Now we have to create interoperability. We add a reference to the MathLib project:


and build the solution. This will make the meta data of the MathLib project available for the  WinRTFSharpSimple project.

Next we create add a button click event:
 <Button Grid.Row="2" Grid.Column="1"
Content="Is it a prime?" x:Name="calculate"
HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center"
FontFamily="Verdana" FontSize="32" Click="OnClick"/>

and add an handler at the code behind:

private voidOnClick(objectsender,RoutedEventArgs e)
    result.Text =

and add a namespace:


Time to test the app, F5:



This looks fine.

In case we enter 756771235126757131


the app freezes and we can not interact with the app (issue 1).

In case we enter “abc” the app crashes (issue 2).

How could we solve these issues?

We can fix them at the C# site or we could fix the at F# site, both are possible. In the next post I will discuss a solution at the F# site.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Dutch article: Monads voor de .NET-ontwikkelaar is available at the SDN site

I have written an article for the Dutch developer magazine of SDN (Magazine 111). It is titled: “Monads voor de .NET-ontwikkelaar”. It is now on line: http://www.sdn.nl/SDN/Artikelen/tabid/58/view/View/ArticleID/3206/Monads-voor-de-NET-ontwikkelaar.aspx.

I have tried to read the English version by Google translate. This is not a very good translation. I do not recommend to read it this translation. The German version is even worse. It contains Engels words that are not part of the Dutch version.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

BCL Team Blog provides more information on code reuse (Portable Libraries part 4)

Today the BCL Team Blog addressed the issue of code reuse: Porting existing .NET code to Metro style apps

"One of the things we know people want to do is reuse existing .NET code but due to the constraints on Metro style apps it is not possible to directly reuse existing .NET class libraries nor is it always possible to simply recompile existing code. We realize this is going to be a pain point for many current .NET developers so we are working on a guide at the .NET for Metro style apps overview page which will assist developers in translating their existing .NET skill set into the Metro style apps world.”

Bringing existing managed code into Metro style apps" by Daniel Plaisted is a recommended resource.

Daniel ports a windows phone app to a Metro app. Most of presentation is mainly about porting the UI.

Some slides from the presentation:



Getting the pictures from a local folder.


There is no database access.

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