Showing posts with label Open XML. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Open XML. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

LINQ to XML, when lazy is too lazy in F# (and C# )


Today a F# program did not work as expected. This is a small example I created:

let xml ="<a><b>1</b><b>2</b></a>"
let doc = XDocument.Parse(xml)

let getXElements_b (doc:XDocument) =
let els = doc.Root.Elements(XName.Get("b"))
let result1 = doc |> getXElements_b |> Seq.toList
//val result1 : XElement list = [<b>1</b>; <b>2</b>]
//the expected result 

let proces (el:XElement) =
XElement(XName.Get("c")) |> el.ReplaceWith

doc |> getXElements_b |> Seq.iter proces

let result2 =  doc.ToString();;
//val result2 : string = "<a>
//  <c />
//  <b>2</b>
This is not the expected result. I expected:

val result2 : string = "<a>
<c />
<c />

I can fix it by changing the getXElements_b function:

let getXElements_b (doc:XDocument) =
let els = doc.Root.Elements(XName.Get("b")) |> Seq.toList

With this adjustment everything works fine. It seems that I have to force the the computation.

This is a problem in C# too.

private void GetXml()
var xml = "<a><b>1</b><b>2</b></a>";
var doc = XDocument.Parse(xml);
var els = doc.Root.Elements(XName.Get("b"));

foreach (var el in els)
el.ReplaceWith(new XElement(XName.Get("c")));

txtResult.Text = doc.ToString();

  <c />

When I step with the debuger through the code the foreach is only one time triggered.

With support of Google I found the following document:


You can learn something new everyday.

Interesting links:

The "Halloween Problem" for XML APIs:

Query Composition using Functional Programming Techniques in C# 3.0:

Monday, June 20, 2011

Update an open XML word document in F#

I have created a small function in F# to update the content of a word document.
//reference to the package 
#r "WindowsBase"
//reference to the Xml and Linq 
#r "System.Xml"
#r "System.Xml.Linq"

open System
open System.IO
open System.IO.Packaging
open System.Xml
open System.Xml.Linq

//helper to create XName with a namespace
let xname str =
XName.Get(str, "")

// the main function 
// changeDoc copies a word .docx document and updates the content by changing the xml that represents the content
let changeDoc oldPath newPath (updateDocument:XDocument -> XDocument) =
//update the package part
let updatePart (part:PackagePart) =
using (part.GetStream(FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) (fun stream -> 
let xDocumentOut = stream |> XDocument.Load |> updateDocument
xDocumentOut.Save(part.GetStream(FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write))

File.Copy(oldPath, newPath, true)
using (Package.Open(newPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite)) (fun package ->
let uri = new Uri("/word/document.xml", UriKind.Relative )

uri |> package.GetPart|> updatePart

// test function to update the document
// adds "_test" to every text  in the document.
let updateText (xDoc:XDocument) =
"t" |> xname  |> xDoc.Descendants |> Seq.iter (fun x -> x.Value <- x.Value + "_test")

changeDoc @"D:\Tmp\test.docx" @"D:\Tmp\test_copy.docx" updateText;;
Before "D:\Tmp\test.docx":
After "D:\Tmp\test_copy.docx":

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Creation of a very simple F# model of a spreadsheet

Today I posted  a F# snipped at

It creates an Open Xml spreadsheet and does not depend on the Open Xml SDK.

To add data to the sheet you need SheetData . I have created a small model op a spreadsheet and some functions to generate the SheetData.

First the model:
//model of spreadsheet
// column * value
type Cell =
    | Text of string * string
    | Number of string * int
    | Formula of string * string

// row number * cells in the row
type Row =
    |Cells of int * Cell list

//list of rows
type Sheet =
    | Rows of Row list

Notice that the model reflects the structure of the Open Xml specifications. Sheets contain Rows and Rows contain Cells.  I have modeled three types of cells inline text, numbers and formulas. There are more. From the specifications (17.18.11 ST_CellType (Cell Type)):
Enumeration Value
b (Boolean)
Cell containing a boolean.
d (Date)
Cell contains a date in the ISO 8601 format.
e (Error)
Cell containing an error.
inlineStr (Inline String)
Cell containing an (inline) rich string, i.e., one not in the shared string table. If this cell type is used, then the cell value is in the is element rather than the v element in the cell (c element).
n (Number)
Cell containing a number.
s (Shared String)
Cell containing a shared string.
str (String)
Cell containing a formula string.

These are the tests:
let cell1 = Text("A","test1")
let cell2 = Number("B", 42)
let cell3 = Text("A","test2")
let cell4 = Number("B", 43)
let cell5 = Formula("B""SUM(B1:B2)")
let row1 = Cells(1, [cell1; cell2])
let row2 = Cells(2, [cell3; cell4])
let row3 = Cells(3, [cell5])
let sheet = Rows([row1; row2; row3])

This are the required functions to generate the SheetData:
let createTextCell column rowNumber (value:string) =
    let cell = new XElement(xname "c",
                                new XAttribute(xnameEmpty "r", column + rowNumber.ToString()),
                                new XAttribute(xnameEmpty "t""inlineStr"),
                                    new XElement(xname "is",
                                        new XElement(xname "t", value)))
let result1 = createTextCell "A" 1 "abc"
let createNumberCell column rowNumber (value:int) =
    let cell =new XElement(xname "c",
                                new XAttribute(xnameEmpty "r", column + rowNumber.ToString()),
                                new XAttribute(xnameEmpty "t""n"),
                                    new XElement(xname "v", value
let createFormulaCell column rowNumber (formula:string) =
    let cell =new XElement(xname "c",
                                new XAttribute(xnameEmpty "r", column + rowNumber.ToString()),
                                new XAttribute(xnameEmpty "t""n"),
                                    new XElement(xname "f", formula
let result2 = createNumberCell "B" 1 4
let createCell rowNumber = function
    | Text (culumn, value) -> createTextCell culumn rowNumber value
    | Number (culumn, value) -> createNumberCell culumn rowNumber value
    | Formula (culumn, formula) -> createFormulaCell culumn rowNumber formula
let result3 =createCell 1 cell1
let result4 =createCell 1 cell2
let createRow = function
    |Cells (rowNumber, cells) -> 
        let rowElement = new XElement(xname "row"new XAttribute(xnameEmpty "r", rowNumber))
        cells |> (createCell rowNumber) |> rowElement.Add
let result5 = createRow row2
let createSheetData (sheet:Sheet) =
    let createRows =  function
        | Rows rows -> rows|> createRow
    let sheetData = new XElement(xname "sheetData")
    sheet|> createRows |> sheetData.Add
let result6 = createSheetData sheet

This is the result:

Because the sheet contains a formula in cell B3 Excel will calculates the result. 

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Create Open XML Word document in F# (update)

This time I will create a word document (open xml) in F# without using the Open XML SDK and using XML libraries. Things have been intentionally kept simple.

I start by modelling a simple word document:

There are Two types of paragraphs: normal and bold ones:
  1. //reference to the package
  2. #r "WindowsBase"
  4. open System
  5. open System.IO
  6. open System.IO.Packaging
  8. type Paragraph =
  9.     | Normal of string
  10.     | Bold of string
And a document is a list of paragraphs:
  1. type Document =
  2.     | Paragraphs of Paragraph list
This is the test:
  1. //test
  2. let list = [Normal("test1"); Normal("test2"); Bold("test3"); Normal("test4")]
  3. let doc = Paragraphs(list)


Next we have the to create an xml version of document:

  1. //helpers


  3. //

  4. let encodedXml (text: string) =

  5.     text.Replace("&", "&amp;").Replace("<", "&lt;").Replace(">", "&gt;").Replace("\"", "&quot;").Replace("'", "&apos;")


  7. let xml1 = "<node>it's my \"node\" & i like it<node>"

  8. let encode = encodedXml xml1


  10. let addString acc item = acc + "\r\t" + item


  12. let createParagraphNormal text =

  13.     "<w:p>

  14.       <w:r>

  15.         <w:t>" + encodedXml text +

  16.         "</w:t>

  17.       </w:r>

  18.     </w:p>"


  20. let createParagraphBold text =

  21.     "<w:p>

  22.       <w:r>

  23.         <w:rPr>

  24.          <w:b />

  25.         </w:rPr>

  26.         <w:t>" + encodedXml text +

  27.         "</w:t>

  28.       </w:r>

  29.     </w:p>"


  31. let createParagraph = function

  32.     | Normal(text) -> createParagraphNormal text

  33.     | Bold (text) -> createParagraphBold text


  35. let createParagraphs = function

  36.     | Paragraphs(list) -> list|> createParagraph |> List.reduce addString


  38. //test

  39. let p = createParagraphs doc


  41. let createDocument doc =

  42.     let startDocument = @"<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""utf-8""?>

  43.                     <w:document xmlns:w="""">

  44.                       <w:body>"

  45.     let endDocument = "  </w:body>

  46.                         </w:document>"

  47.     let content = createParagraphs doc

  48.     startDocument + content + endDocument


Then we have to create a package, add the document and save it to disk:

  1. //add the document to package and save

  2. let createFile doc (fileName:string) =

  3.     using (Package.Open(fileName, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite))(fun package ->

  4.         let uri = new Uri("/word/document.xml", UriKind.Relative )

  5.         let partDocumentXML =

  6.             package.CreatePart(

  7.                                 uri,

  8.                                 "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document.main+xml" )


  10.         using(new StreamWriter(partDocumentXML.GetStream(FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)))(fun stream ->

  11.             doc |> createDocument |> stream.Write

  12.         )


  14.         package.CreateRelationship(

  15.                                     uri,

  16.                                     TargetMode.Internal,

  17.                                     "",

  18.                                     "rId1") |> ignore

  19.     )


  21. //test

  22. let fileName = @"D:\Tmp\test.docx"


  24. createFile doc fileName;;

This is the result:


I have created a map from twitter to my document model

  1. type UserStatus =

  2.     { UserName : string;

  3.       ProfileImage : string;

  4.       Status : string;

  5.       StatusDate : DateTime }


  7. let mapUserStatus (us:UserStatus) =

  8.     let date = "Date: " + us.StatusDate.ToShortDateString()  + " time: " + us.StatusDate.ToLongTimeString()

  9.     [Normal(date); Bold(us.UserName); Normal(us.Status); Normal("")]


  11. let addUserStatus acc item = item @ acc


  13. let result = xml|> parseTweetXml |> mapUserStatus|> List.reduce addUserStatus


This results in the following document:

Remark: I had to Google “Weiner” to understand the jokes.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Create in F# XDocument with XDeclaration and namespace

In this example I will create the following XML in F#:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<w:document xmlns:w="">
        <w:t>This is a test</w:t>
Transferring C#-code is not straightforward because the constructor of XDocument does not accept the following code: new  XDocument(new XDeclaration("1.0""utf-8""true"), new XElement("document"))

//First create some helpers:

let xnameNs str ns = XName.Get(str, ns)
let xname str =
    xnameNs str ""
let ns = XNamespace.Get("")
let dec = new XDeclaration("1.0""utf-8""true")
let el =
    new XElement(xname "document",
        new XAttribute(XNamespace.Xmlns + "w", ns),
            new XElement(xname "body",
                new XElement(xname "p",
                    new XElement(xname "r",
                        new XElement(xname "t""This is a test")
//Add them together:
let document = 
    let doc =new XDocument(dec)

//And test:

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Create Open XML Spreadsheet in F#

I also created a spreadsheet with the Open XML SDK and F# and posted the snippet at
1: //reference to the Open Office SDK
 2: #r @"C:\Program Files (x86)\Open XML SDK\V2.0\lib\DocumentFormat.OpenXml.dll"
 3: //reference to the package
 4: #r "WindowsBase"
 6: open DocumentFormat.OpenXml
 7: open DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Packaging
 8: open DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet
10: let createSpreadsheet (filepath:string) (sheetName:string) =
11:     // Create a spreadsheet document by supplying the filepath.
12:     // By default, AutoSave = true, Editable = true, and Type = xlsx.
14:     using (SpreadsheetDocument.Create(filepath, SpreadsheetDocumentType.Workbook)) (fun spreadsheetDocument ->
16:     // Add a WorkbookPart to the document.
17:     let workbookpart = spreadsheetDocument.AddWorkbookPart()
18:     workbookpart.Workbook <- new Workbook()
20:     // Add a WorksheetPart to the WorkbookPart.
21:     //
22:     let worksheetPart = workbookpart.AddNewPart<WorksheetPart>()
23:     worksheetPart.Worksheet <- new Worksheet(new SheetData():> OpenXmlElement)
25:     // Add Sheets to the Workbook.
26:     let sheets = spreadsheetDocument.WorkbookPart.Workbook.AppendChild<Sheets>(new Sheets())
28:     // Append a new worksheet and associate it with the workbook.
29:     let sheet = new Sheet()
30:     sheet.Id <-  StringValue(spreadsheetDocument.WorkbookPart.GetIdOfPart(worksheetPart))
31:     sheet.SheetId <-  UInt32Value(1u)
32:     sheet.Name <-  StringValue(sheetName)
33:     sheets.Append([sheet :> OpenXmlElement])
34:     )
36: let result = createSpreadsheet @"D:\Tmp\test1.xlsx" "test";;

I thought that it would be as straightforward as creating a word document. This was not the case.
This time some objects have be up casted (the :> symbol) to OpenXmlElement objects and some values had to be transfomed form strings to StringValues.

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