Monday, September 29, 2008

F# Winform

When you want to make a F# winform application and you don’t want to open an extra console when you start the application.

How can you do this (F# version

1. Create a F# application:


[Edit- thanks Brian ]

2. Open the project properties


3. In the application tab change the output type



4. Add reference to the System.Windows.Forms


5. Add your code.


6. Run your app


7. Close.

8. Add your own details.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Creating a parser with F#

I want to write my own html-parser. That is one of the reasons I am learning F#. I have read all the documentation that is available in the three published F# books and tried to build some simple parsers myself and downloaded the examples of Chris Smith.

This resulted in a naïve development approach: start with lexer, than create the parser, compose the AST and finally build your application that consumes the AST.

One of the lessons learned: when you want to create a parser you have to start with analyses of the text type. In case you can step through the text and can determine the action after each token a lexer is what you need. In case the action is determined by server tokens you need a parser.

Example of program that needs a lexer:

  • A program that replacing digits by roman numerals.
  • A simple encryptor

Example of program that needs a lexer and a parser:

  • Xml-parser
  • Code

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

F# union types in C#

An other name for union types is discriminated unions.
I was interested what a union type looks and behaves in C#.
I build small demo applcation:
private void nudTest_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
int x = Convert.ToInt32(nudTest.Value);

lblResult.Text = "Yes";

lblResult.Text = "No";

lblResult.Text = PsA.resultOfVote(x).Maybe1.ToString();
The object created by F# looked like this:
I called the dll PsA.

Monday, February 4, 2008

F# union type

A new thing in F# for a C# programmer  is a union type. At first I thought it was an enumeration (enum).


type YesNo =
    | Yes
    | No

let resutlOfQuestion x =
    if x then
//val resutlOfQuestion : bool -> YesNo

resutlOfQuestion true;;
//> val it : YesNo = Yes
resutlOfQuestion false;;
//> val it : YesNo = No

But wait, there is more:

type YesNoMaybe =
    | Yes
    | No
    | Maybe of int
let resultOfVote x =
    if x = 0 then
    elif x >= 100 then
        Maybe x
resultOfVote 0;;
//> val it : YesNoMaybe = No
resultOfVote 50;;
//> val it : YesNoMaybe = Maybe 50
resultOfVote 120;;
//> val it : YesNoMaybe = Yes 


So a union type is a garbage can, you could put in everything you like (or don’t like).

F# by example

At the moment I am preparing new version of the OoxAcceleratorRss program.

I build previous version with C# and was quite successful and wanted to improve it. I ran into some problems which are html-related and I got stuck. I had to design and build a better html parser. One that is able to correct all kinds of html errors.

I read that one of the features of F# is the lexer and the parser. So I intend to learn F#.

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